Man in suit typing at a keyboard


What is it about?

There are many types of training, but ours does not involve physical exercise in any way. It doesn’t normally involve a physical classroom either. The online courses we provide are mainly designed for organisations required to train their staff in Data Security & Protection for the NHS Toolkit. We also provide briefings for senior managers including Senior Information Risk Officers (SIROs) and Caldicott Guardians.


How can we help?

We deliver

  • Standard courses
  • Regularly updated material
  • Assessment tests that are refreshed at least annually
  • Bulk or individual student registration packages
  • Certificates for completion and/or passing
  • Online access to marks for management
  • Feedback to students if required
  • Access to free public courses that complement ours and broaden the curriculum


We can also

  • Customise courses
  • Provide awareness materials
  • Deliver briefings to your SIROs and Caldicott Guardians
  • Convert in-house ‘PowerPoint’ presentations into online courses and quizzes – great for home workers
  • Provide bespoke training on request
  • Deliver tailored staff newsletters with tips, advice and your organisation’s messages
We can raise the skill levels of your organisation and reduce risk of non-compliance and breaches
If you need assistance – call on us – we are only a click or two away
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