A desk with hand held smartphone, monitor, notebook and coffees

Information Governance Consultancy

What is it about?

Complying with the ever-changing landscape of data protection legislation and adapting to new cybersecurity threats and customer requirements is a constant challenge. It isn’t your company’s ‘day job’, but it is ours. We aim to assist our clients in adopting and maintaining not only the legal minimum standards, but best practice. We provide our clients with tools, templates and advice. We also act on their behalf where necessary.

How hard can it be?

  • Data Protection legislation is complex and changing
  • The new Data Protection & Digital Information Bill, when enacted, will bring in changes across the board that need your attention

How can we help?

We can really make a difference with

  • Process reviews
  • Risk assessments
  • Documentation review and provision
  • Project participation
  • Data Processing Agreements and contracts
  • Data Sharing
  • Incident handling
We can provide advice and consultancy whether or not we are your Data Protection Officer / Senior Responsible Individual
So if you need assistance – call on us – we are only a click or two away
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