Age UK East London DPIA Threshold Assessments
Each submission of a new assessment form adds a row to this table. Scroll down and to the right to reveal more data.
The privacy of our clients and partners, especially those in the health and care sectors, along with their patients, clients and employees, is critical to us and their organisations as is the security of data. Processing personal data legally and securely prevents regulatory violations, avoids negative publicity, and shows respect for data subjects.
The UK’s Data Protection Act, 2018 (DPA) came into force on 25 May 2018, implementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as the main legislation governing the processing of personal data in the UK. BREXIT changed the legal basis, with all data protection legislation becoming simply part of UK law.
The EU-based legislation was absorbed, fundamentally unchanged, into that framework and apart from technical changes such as referring to the GDPR as the UK GDPR rather than the ‘EU GDPR’, little has changed following the UK’s departure from the EU. If the law is significantly amended, we will update our procedures to comply with it and assist our clients in doing the same.
Data Protection Impact Assessments
The Legislation states that “where a type of processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, the controller must, prior to the processing, carry out a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA).
Furthermore, if the assessment reveals processing involving high risks that cannot be mitigated, the ICO must be consulted before starting the processing.
Amongst other uses, this tool is employed to screen programmes and decide whether full DPIAs or other actions are required.
Accessing the Form
The DPIA Threshold Assessment form works well on most devices, but it may not be easy to use on small displays such as smartphones, which should be avoided.
Using the Form
- Use the Form tab to raise a new assessment form
- Some fields may already be completed as defaults or based on your profile – most of these can still be altered
- There are 9 pages – take your time, working through them in order, returning to [Previous] pages as necessary
- You can navigate between pages (as long as all mandatory fields have been completed) either:
sequentially using the [Next] and [Previous] buttons at the bottom of each page, or by ‘jumping’ via the numbered progress bar at the top - Most fields are always visible and some contain guidance
- Some input fields and guidance texts are revealed or hidden depending on your responses
- Fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed to submit the form
- Pages and the form as a whole are saved whenever you click a [Next] button to move to a new page
- Clicking the [Submit] button on the final page saves the form and shares it with the DPO
- See the Follow up tab to find out what happens after you submit a form
On receipt of a new or updated DPIA Threshold Assessment form, the DPO will:
- Send you an acknowledgement email with a pdf copy of your submission
- Check your submission
- Add comments or questions in the DPO Notes field on the final page
- Contact you for further details and clarification if required
- Propose actions as needed
- Update its status from Draft to Assessed
- Assist with follow up actions such as completing a full DPIA